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Astroupdate Newsletter 2016

By webdev, 29-09-2016

AstroUpdate – May 2016

Looking to expand and improve your Tarot Reading skills? Why not come along to my Tarot Spreads Workshop (Sunday 15th & 22nd May) where we'll check out a variety of spreads, both simple and complex using real life situations. My aim is to give you the confidence and the tools to take your Tarot Reading to the next level - whatever that means for you! 

By stella, 03-06-2016

Astro Update - March 2016

The ‘Me Generation’(1942 –1956), born with Pluto in creative and dramatic Leo and Neptune in romantic and artistic Libra, burst onto the scene in the 1960s and 1970s revolutionising the world of music and wowing their audiences with sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. But with Pluto in Capricorn, these solar heroes are growing old, succumbing to the ravages of age. Since Christmas, we’ve lost Stevie Wright, Lemmy, Glenn Frey, Dale Griffin, Paul Kantnor and perhaps the greatest of them all, performance artist, David Bowie.

By webdev, 24-03-2016


New Year – New Start! As 2016 gets underway, you might like to sign up for one of my courses. Full details including venue, price, course dates, material covered and student testimonials can be found on my website at or just click on the links below for full details. You can BOOK ONLINE or over the phone with your credit card (03) 9534 5021 or email Here’s just a taste of what’s on offer in the first half of 2016!

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