Hi, my name’s Stella Woods aka Stella Starwoman — I’ve been a professional astrologer and tarot reader for over 30 years. I’m absolutely passionate about these subjects and love to use my knowledge to help people heal, improve their lives and make the most of their gifts and talents.
Some of you may have heard me on talkback radio, had a reading with me, read my magic and manifestation book, done one of my astrology or tarot courses or read my columns in LivingNow magazine. For those of you who don't know me, welcome to my website! I'm always interested to hear from clients, readers, listeners, students and from those people I've never met. If you'd like to see something on the site, just drop me a line via the CONTACT page. I'd love to hear your views and feedback.
In late 2016 I moved from Melbourne, Australia (my home for the previous 30 years) to the Pennines in Yorkshire in the UK for family reasons. This has been a huge change, so while I am no longer teaching classes, I'm still offering ONLINE TAROT & ASTROLOGY READINGS and have updated my site to reflect these changes. If you'd like to get in touch, BOOK A READING or ORDER AN ASTROLOGY REPORT please contact me at stella@stellastarwoman.com or ORDER ONLINE
Happy Stargazing!
Stella Woods
PS I'm often asked if Stella is my real name as it means 'star' — constellation, stellar, stellium etc. The answer is 'Yes'. My mother thought Woods was a rather boring surname and wanted something a bit exotic. Thanks Nancy!