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Twelve Month Forecast Reading

Recommended for those who have some knowledge of their birth chart or who have already had a personal birth chart reading. Stella will discuss major trends over the coming year, offering advice and guidance. If you plan to travel, move house, change career or start a business, astrology can pinpoint the best time to act or advise you to wait patiently. As forecasts are based on planetary cycles, this type of reading can also provide insight on why you are going through a difficult or productive period and help you take advantage of the energy of the time.

Once you have paid for your reading, Stella will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time for your session, discuss your individual requirements and note your time, date and place of birth. Or if you prefer, you can contact Stella at to book a session before paying for your reading. Payment can then be made via shopping cart, PayPal or bank transfer.

75 min reading via Zoom with video recording and 15-page personal forecast - $250

"Dear Stella
You told my sister some 8 years ago that she would do well in interior design. She went to Spain to sell property and has bought 3 apartments for herself. Now she is interior styling these apartments and she’s the local TV’s CASA DOCTOR (I don’t need to translate that for YOU!). Seems as though your prediction, as always, was spot on!!  Best wishes, Hailey"

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