Zodiac Child Reading
Recommended for parents of babies and children up to 7 years old. A birth chart is a wonderful tool for parents and mentors who want to really understand their child and create the best environment for their youngster to flourish.
Once you have paid for your child's reading, Stella will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time for your session, discuss your individual requirements and note your child's time, date and place of birth. Or if you prefer, you can contact Stella at stella@stellastarwoman.com to book a session before paying for your reading. Payment can then be made via shopping cart, PayPal or bank transfer.
1 hour reading via Zoom with video recording and full colour 18-page child profile - $195
"Dear Stella,
Your clear and balanced readings have helped me to realize that as a mother I can balance responsibility for my children’s welfare with the knowledge that they themselves are also responsible for the choices, behaviors and pathway of their lives. To be honest I feel relieved, the burden of not being good enough, with the associated feelings of guilt, self blame, and confusion have eased away….Thank you so much Stella you’re a ‘master’ astrologer. I only hope that all parents will take the opportunity to have a reading with you and benefit from your wisdom, love and uplifting perspective. Love Fiona"