For astrologers, the planet Pluto symbolises death and rebirth. It destroys the corrupt or outmoded old order to make way for a new, improved and more authentic system. Pluto entered Capricorn (ruler of society’s government, laws and institutions) in 2007 and has been laying waste to sacred cows ever since! Some call it recession. Others, a punishment for past excess. Since 2007 we have witnessed the collapse of the banking system, falling stock markets; plunging house prices; decimated pension funds; rising unemployment, mounting debt and businesses going under.
In England an amusing Pluto in Capricorn scenario is currently playing out over the outrageous expense claims made by British MPs. One MP billed the taxpayer for cleaning out his moat while another claimed for building a duck shelter on the country estate. Others have claimed for bogus second homes, non-existent staff, gourmet meals, property renovations – the list is endless. Left wing, right wing, lower house, upper house, all are under scrutiny, particularly as considerable effort has been made to cover up the more scandalous claims. Some MPs have been forced to resign and in response to public outrage, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown intends to legislate before the next election to remove the remaining 92 hereditary peers from the House of Lords. The system of automatic voting rights in the upper house for Britain’s aristocrats dates back to medieval times. How about that for a venerable institution? And we still have another fifteen years of Pluto in Capricorn to clean up our governments and institutions.... who will be the next casualty?