Hi and welcome to the Stella Starwoman August AstroUpdate! Days are growing longer, flowers are budding and spring is just around the corner! August promises to be an action- packed month fuelled by the late July Sun-Mars conjunction in Leo whose energy will continue to reverberate strongly throughout August. And as if that weren ’t enough we have a lunar eclipse in Aquarius on the 8th and a solar eclipse in Leo on the 22nd to rattle the status quo and clean out the closets. No hiding under the doona this month!
Sun-Mars Conjunction – Passion & Vitality
Every two years, the Sun, symbol of light and life, meets up with Mars the god of action to propel us into a new cycle of adventure and achievement. In 2017 this astronomical event took place on the 27th July and was a particularly special and super-charged conjunction as the Sun and Mars joined forces in fire sign Leo for the first time since 2002. The energy from this dynamic pairing remains strong throughout August, meaning projects and ideas seeded now will receive a special energetic boost.
Some positive themes for the Sun-Mars combination include self-assertion; desire to take action; physical and sexual vitality; initiative and innovation; creative potential; love of risk, challenge and competition; supreme confidence and bravery; leadership and individuality. Negative themes include anger and aggression; anti-authoritarian attitude; needing to prove oneself; explosiveness and volatility; refusal to compromise; inner tension; compulsive behaviour and self-hatred.
Venus in Cancer -Sugar & Spice and All Things Nice
Astrologers say Venus is at home in Cancer meaning she gets to show off her best qualities, namely the kind, nurturing, loving and homely qualities and activities that many of us don’t or won’t make time for. Venus in Cancer bakes cakes and scones. Venus in Cancer visits her grandmother and takes her nephew to the park. Venus in Cancer has time for a natter and cup of tea. Venus in Cancer enjoys a long, relaxing bath and maybe a glass of wine in the back yard. She doesn’t understand key performance indicators, to-do lists, networking and outer world achievement. Venus will be in Cancer from the 1st -26th August, so get that kettle on!
Mars in Leo – Life in the Fast Lane
Action planet Mars left Cancer on the 20th July and will be travelling through dramatic and charismatic fire sign Leo until early September in what might just be a match made in heaven. (Imagine driving a Mercedes convertible down the highway at high speed with the wind in your hair...) And given that the Sun and karmic North Node will be Mars’ travelling companions for a large chunk of this seven week period , there’s certainly no excuse for idling on the sidelines. August is a month for risk taking, adventure, drama and FUN FUN FUN!
Mercury Retrograde – Understanding the Truth
Mercury is the fastest moving planet in our solar system, orbiting very close to the Sun. In Roman mythology, quicksilver Mercury with his magical winged sandals and helmet was known as the Messenger of the Gods. In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication, helping us put our thoughts into words; plan our daily activities; interact with one another and explore new ideas and information.
Every four months, the planet Mercury appears to slow down, change direction and start travelling backwards through the heavens. Astrologers refer to this period as ‘Mercury Retrograde’. When Mercury is retrograd e the unconscious and intuitive parts of ourselves are particularly active with the best laid plans often coming to a halt as events take on a life of their own. We are asked to go within, meditate and reflect, rather than pushing forward with life in the outer world. Mercury retrograde can be a time of frustration and misunderstandings where things keep going wrong or breaking down. If this happens to you, it’s a sign that you need to take more notice of things you’ve been ignoring or complete unfinished b usiness. Mercury retrograde can also bring hidden information to the surface, helping us see the truth.
Mercury will be retrograde in earth sign Virgo and fire sign Leo from 13tg August to 5th September.
Happy Birthday Virgo!
This year, from 23rd August until 23rd September, the Sun travels through earth sign Virgo, no chaste virgin, but the independent woman who answered to no man and served the Goddess herself. In ancient times Virgo was the holy woman of the temple who initiated men into the sacred, healing rites of sexuality, awakening the fire of kundalini. The connection between physical lovemaking, healing and the divine are available to anyone who taps into the energy of Virgo.
Those born under the sign of Virgo are noted for their calm demeanour, attention to detail, healing energies, love of nature and mastery of art and craft. When in balance, they are one of the most practical, kind-hearted and caring signs with an intuitive understanding of the mind-body connection. Usually blessed with fine minds, they are masters of research, data and language and instinctively understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Negatively, Virgos can suffer from hypochondria, be over-critical, especially of self, and prone to worry and anxiety. Virgo rules the abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. When Virgos are out of balance they can suffer nervous problems, and stomach and intestinal disorders. The Virgo colours are earthy tones, green and dark brown. Virgo’s greatest lesson is to learn to accept imperfection in both themselves and others.
Venus in Leo – Opening the Heart
Venus is the planet of love, pleasure and heart-connection. Venus will be in passionate fire sign Leo from the 26th August - 20th September promoting loyalty, generosity, love and creativity - no hard-heartedness, bitterness, coldness or cynicism here!
Venus in Leo opens the heart turning it into a warm, glowing fire that radiates love and helps us break free of inhibitions or beliefs that have kept our hearts closed or protected in the past. How will you open your heart and let your joy, radiance and inner truth shine forth?
Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius – Express Your Individuality
Watch out for a partial lunar eclipse at the Aquarius full moon on the 8 August. Lunar eclipses or blood moons occur at the full moon when the Earth casts a shadow across the face of the moon, changing its colour from bright white to a coppery-orange or ruddy-brown hue. Because the full moon disappears, it’s as though there’s a new moon at the exact moment of the full moon, representing a completely new beginning. The Aquarian full moon eclipse pushes us to express our individuality whilst embracing our connection to others.
Solar Eclipse in Leo – Wiping the Slate Clean
Twice a year, the sun, moon and earth align to create the impressive cosmic spectacle of a solar eclipse. On the 22nd August, we have a total eclipse of the sun at the August new moon in the late degrees of Leo. Unfortunately the eclipse will not be visible in Australia, but if you’ve ever dreamed of country music in Nashville, Tennessee or doing the Charleston in South Carolina, now’s the perfect time for a trip , as the eclipse path stretches right across the southern part of the USA.
All eclipses bring change, fresh insight and sometimes loss. Although the energies are most prominent for a week either side of the eclipse, their influence on events will continue over the next six months. When an eclipse falls around the time of your birthday, you can count on an eventful and often surprising year ahead!
August & September Moon Calendar
Launch projects at the New Moon, bring them to completion in the period from just before the Full Moon to the Third Quarter phase and wind them down and reflect on developments in the week before the next New Moon.
The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is the waxing moon (moon getting bigger and fuller). The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is the waning moon (moon getting smaller and thinner).
You can use this moon table to select the most favourable days to slow or increase hair regrowth. Full instructions can be found in my Lunar Hair Care guidelines but to get you started I’ve marked the best dates for waxing/shaving to slow regrowth in yellow and the best dates to cut hair for thicker, lusher growth in green. If you’re serious about Lunar Hair Care – why not purchase a moon calendar, available at most esoteric book stores, then you’ll know exactly what time of day the moon changes from one zodiac sign to the next, meaning you can fine-tune your activities with confidence.
Date |
Moon Sign |
Element |
Moon Phase |
1st |
Scorpio |
Water |
1st-4th |
Sagittarius |
Fire |
4th-6th |
Capricorn |
Earth |
6th-9th |
Aquarius |
Air |
Full Moon 8th |
9th-11th |
Pisces |
Water |
11th-13th |
Aries |
Fire |
13th-16th |
Taurus |
Earth |
Third Quarter |
16th -18th |
Gemini |
Air |
18th -20th |
Cancer |
Water |
20th -22nd |
Leo |
Fire |
New Moon 22nd |
22nd -24th |
Virgo |
Earth |
24th -26th |
Libra |
Air |
26th -29th |
Scorpio |
Water |
29th -31st |
Sagittarius |
Fire |
First Quarter |
Date |
Moon Sign |
Element |
Moon Phase |
1st -3rd |
Capricorn |
Earth |
3rd -5th |
Aquarius |
Air |
5th -7th | Pisces | Water | Full Moon 6th |
7th -10th |
Aries |
Fire |
10th -12th |
Taurus |
Earth |
12th -14th |
Gemini |
Air |
Third Quarter |
14th -16th |
Cancer |
Water |
16th -18th |
Leo |
Fire |
18th-20th |
Virgo |
Earth |
New Moon 20th |
20th -23rd |
Libra |
Air |
23rd-25th |
Scorpio |
Water |
25 th -28th |
Sagittarius |
Fire |
28th -30th |
Capricorn |
Earth |
First Quarter |
30th -3rd |
Aquarius |
Air |
Thanks for being part of AstroUpdate. If there’s something you’d like to see featured, or have something you think would interest others, please contact me at stella@stellastarwoman.com
PS – Don’t forget to check out your June Stars at www.stellastarwoman.com
Happy Stargazing
Stella Woods