Relationship planets Venus and Mars normally meet up just once a year, but the recent retrograde transit of Venus has produced a flurry of activity for these cosmic lovers. They collided in September 2008 (in Libra), embraced again in April this year (in Pisces) and will have their final fling in mid June (in Taurus).
Relationships for all of us have been a major focus over the past few months, whether it be looking back at old relationships, sorting out current ones or dreaming of finding that perfect partner. This applies as much to friendships as to sexual relationships. And interestingly enough, Venus (the feminine planet) has been dominant in this cycle as all three conjunctions have occurred in signs that favour Venus, rather than Mars. A Venusian approach to relationships emphasises love, pleasure, beauty and cooperation, rather than dominance, conquest, desire and lust, the province of Mars.
This final meeting of Venus and Mars offers the opportunity to leave the past behind and embrace a new, rosier future. The final conjunction occurs in Taurus on 21st June, the day of the winter solstice and a time of reflection and new beginnings. The Sabian Symbol for the Mars Venus conjunction speaks of the inadequacy of past knowledge in times of crisis. If we apply this theme to relationships, it is clearly time to take a new approach. The roles of men and women are changing rapidly and the old ways of relating are now redundant. Perhaps that’s why this cycle favours the rise of the feminine. You might like to think what this could mean for you and your relationships.