AstroUpdate – December 2014
Welcome to the Stella Starwoman December AstroUpdate! We have TWO SPECIAL OFFERS for you this month in the lead up to Christmas. You should have already received an email with the SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MAGIC BOOK/CARD OFFER valid until 18 th December (if not CLICK HERE for more info) and below is a special calendar/diary offer valid until the 12 th December. Happy Festive Season!
2015 Astro Calendar & Moon Diaries Offer
Spend $50 or more on Calendars/Diaries before 12 th Dec and receive a FREE A A ffirmation Card Deck (RRP $29.95)
Mick Jagger’s Annus Horribilis & the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse
2014 has been a tough year for British rock star and Rolling Stones frontman, Sir Mick Jagger. First the Stones were forced to cancel their tour of Australia and New Zealand in March when Jagger’s partner, L’Wren Scott, committed suicide by dramatically hanging herself with a black satin scarf as the tour was about to begin. Though barely able to speak and diagnosed with acute traumatic stress disorder, Jagger managed to pull himself together and the Stones rescheduled their tour for October/November. But disaster struck once again. This time it was Jagger’s sudden throat infection that forced cancellation of the Stones’s Hanging Rock gig on the eve of the concert leaving 21,000 disappointed fans, many of whom found themselves out of pocket for a second time after forking out hundreds of dollars for airline tickets, accommodation, transport etc. Some angry fans suggested Jagger needed to stop partying, take some medication and toughen up. Others, upon hearing there would be no rescheduled concert date, suggested that he cared only about money, not about the fans.
Astrologers are always looking for patterns and when I heard about Jagger’s throat infection and remembered the black scarf around the throat, I immediately headed for the ephemeris (book of planetary placements) to find out what was going on in his birth chart. The obvious explanation was that Mick Jagger is now 71 and his throat therefore unable to cope with the demands of a large international tour. However, I already knew that in Jagger’s birth chart, both the natal Moon and Mars were in the 12th house in Taurus (the zodiac sign that rules the throat) and I wanted to see if anything was hitting his Moon or Mars that might explain these unfortunate events. After all, Jagger’s vocal chords were the key to his massive fortune. This is what I found.
The Stones Hanging Rock gig was cancelled on 7th November, just minutes before the Taurus full moon, with the transiting Moon at 14 degrees Taurus, right on top of Jagger’s Mars. Mars is the planet of libido, anger, action, warfare, assertiveness and all things male. Moon and Mars in the 12th house indicate that underneath all the Leo show, Mick is a very private person, adept at hiding his anger, disguising his feelings or even being unaware of how he is really feeling
This full moon (which was part of the October Scorpio-Taurus eclipse cycle) would have brought any hidden anger to the surface, hence the sore throat. But what could he possibly be angry about?
I checked the Scorpio new moon solar eclipse chart in late October, when the Australian tour began and found the eclipse was in Jagger’s house of sickness – this was no overnight illness, it had been building for some time. I then decided to go back to March and L’Wren Scott’s birth chart for more clues. As I searched the internet for her birth data, I found out 1) That Scott herself was a Taurus and her death occurred when Taurus was rising 2) That she had left her entire $9 million estate to Jagger and written her own family out of the will; but more importantly 3) That news had just broken that the Stones insurers were refusing to pay $12.7 million compensation for the cancelled Stones tour back in March as the policy did not cover death by suicide. No wonder Mick was mad.
The insurers also claimed that L’Wren Scott was suffering from a mental illness, which had not been disclosed on the policy, and her death could not therefore have been ‘sudden and unforeseen’. Alongside the tabloid headlines were legal documents containing information that normally would have remained private and confidential - how much the Stones would earn from their tour, how much the payouts would be if a family member died, who exactly would benefit, plus personal details and birth dates of all family members. On the list for Jagger were ex- wives including Jerry Hall and Bianca Jagger, former girlfriends, seven children, four grandchildren and L’Wren Scott. Meanwhile there were reports that Scott’s family were furious they received nothing in her will and angry that they had been dragged into the $13 million insurance battle, claiming Mick was heartless and just after the money.
Look at the themes in this story – they are all Taurus-Scorpio themes and the stuff of Hollywood movies. A death by hanging; a wealthy singer; a sore throat that led to million dollar losses; inheritance disputes and insurance payouts; legal battles over contracts; money, greed, sex, secrets exposed and anger – lots of anger. Hanging Rock is an extinct volcano and this was the “14-On-Fire Tour. Just not the kind of fire the Stones imagined!
December Full Moon
The December full moon falls on the 6th in air sign Gemini. The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the zodiac (14- 15° Gemini) shows two Dutch children talking to each other, representing the importance of clarifying our own experiences by sharing and discussing them with others. With Sun conjunct Mercury and trine Uranus at the full moon, we are asked to combine Gemini logic and intellect with Sagittarian wisdom and intuition to find objective rather than subjective truth. Expect flashes of brilliance and insight
December New Moon,
This month’s new moon falls on the 22nd in practical earth sign Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the zodiac (0-1° Capricorn) shows an Indian chief claiming power from his tribe. This new moon is all about assuming authority – taking your power and using it wisely, effectively and responsibly. You may feel powerless, but in some area of your life you are being asked to step up and act as an example to others.
Key Astrological Events – December
2014 has been a challenging and difficult year for many while others have flourished and expanded. Why is this so? The Uranus-Pluto square makes its sixth alignment in mid-December with the final square due in March next year. The theme of this planetary line-up has been the death of the old coupled with the birth of the new. However, because these two planets have been headlocked in conflict, this experience of letting go, to allow the new energy to come in, has not always been easy. My advice is to stay centred, maintain integrity and act from a position of truth and personal power, rather than being swayed by the opinions and behaviour of those around you. Of course...that's easier said than done!
Communication planet Mercury will be in fire sign Sagittarius from the 1st-17th December stimulating the imagination and providing life, fire and soul to pre-Christmas celebrations. With the Sun and Venus also in Sagittarius, the first part of December is a great time for getting outdoors, reading books, planning your holiday or booking into for courses in the New Year. Sagittarius offers the gift of intuition or inner knowing, so follow your instincts and you can’t go wrong!
Action planet Mars moves from earth sign Capricorn into air sign Aquarius on the 5th December until 12th January, helping us break free of limitations. You may feel restless, rebellious or dissatisfied and if so, the advice is to listen to your inner voice and find out who or what is holding you back. This is a time when following that inner impulse is exactly the right thing to do, even if others think you are crazy or unconventional!
Relationship planet Venus shifts from flirtatious Sagittarius into serious Capricorn on the 11th December, so if you’re planning a fun party or Christmas get together, aim for early December if possible. Venus in Capricorn brings a more serious note to social gatherings and relationships – love has to be earned. On the bright side this means a focus on working through problems, making commitments, identifying shared goals and having the discipline to complete projects. And the good news is that if you meet someone special when Venus is in Capricorn, the relationship is more likely to last.
Communication planet Mercury moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn on the 17th December, followed by the Sun on the 22nd. With Venus and Pluto already in Capricorn, and a Capricorn new moon on the 22nd, the first part of December (up to the 17th) will definitely be a more fun time than the latter part of the month. Capricorn is a sign of business rather than pleasure – good news for those who have to work over Christmas and New Year!
Finally, weighty Saturn, ruling planet of Capricorn and lord of karma slips quietly into Sagittarius on Christmas Eve for a 2 ½ year stay bringing many shifts and changes. We’ll learn more about Saturn in Sagittarius in next month’s AstroUpdate, but in the meantime, I’d like to wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I look forward to sharing my love of astrology with you in 2015.
Featured Sign-Sagittarius
From 22nd November to 22 nd December, the sun travels through Sagittarius, an intuitive fire sign noted for its vision, adventurous nature and love of philosophy. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac with keywords “I seek” and “I expand”. Those born under the sign of the Archer often struggle to integrate their animal nature with their more lofty human side. Sagittarians seek expansion on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, and can usually be found travelling, studying and exploring life’s big issues. They love to share their wisdom and are often talented writers or teachers. At best they are intelligent, honest, generous and inspirational. Negatively, they can be tactless, self-indulgent, coarse and hypocritical. Some Sagittarians are drifters, constantly in search of new horizons and ever more exciting adventures. Most Archers eventually realise that true freedom comes from commitment and dedication to a personal vision, rather than from the outer world. In medical astrology, Sagittarius rules the liver, hips and thighs and sacral regions of the spine. When Sagittarians are out of balance they can suffer from sciatica, hip diseases, rheumatism and weight gain. The Sagittarian colours are purple and deep blue. Sagittarius’s greatest lessons are commitment, moderation, tact and learning to deliver what they promise.
December Moon Calendar
Launch projects at the New Moon, bring them to completion in the period from just before the Full Moon to the Third Quarter phase and wind them down and reflect on developments in the week before the next New Moon. The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is the waxing moon (moon getting bigger and fuller). The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is the waning moon (moon getting smaller and thinner).
You can use this moon table to select the most favourable days to slow or increase hair regrowth. Full instructions can be found in my Lunar Hair Care guidelines at www.stellastarwoman.com/files/LunarHairCare.pdf but to get you started I’ve marked the best dates for waxing/shaving to slow regrowth in yellow and the best dates to cut hair for thicker, lusher growth in green. If you’re serious about Lunar Hair Care - order your own Moon Calendar from the Stella Starwoman Store then you’ll know exactly what time of day the moon changes from one zodiac sign to the next meaning you can fine-tune your activities with confidence.
Thanks for being part of AstroUpdate. If there’s something you’d like to see featured, or have something you think would interest others, please contact me at stellaw@ozemail.com.au
PS – Don’t forget to check out your December Monthly Stars at www.stellastarwoman.com to see what’s coming up for you this month.
Happy Stargazing and Happy Christmas! Stella Woods