Welcome to the Stella Starwoman February AstroUpdate and hope you’ve had a great Christmas/New Year break and survived the Venus retrograde transit, which is now thankfully over! Did the shadow side of love come knocking on your door? Talking of retrograde planets, communication planet Mercury will be retrograde for most of February (7 th -28 th ) so pay particular attention when driving, signing contracts, negotiating agreements and in all types of personal and business communication. Mercury retrograde can cause havoc, especially if you’re too busy to check things properly – you have been warned!
If you missed my January newsletter you can read all about my predictions for 2014 HERE And FINALLY….a reminder that this is your LAST CHANCE to sign up for my 2014 COURSES & WORKSHOPS
Seven Secrets of Attracting the Perfect Partner Workshop Sunday 16 th February – Book Now!
No date for Valentine`s Day? Let`s take a look at why Mr or Ms Right hasn`t shown up yet and how to invite them into your life. Here’s what we’ll be covering
- Learn The Seven Secrets of Attracting the Perfect Partner
- Discover why many of us still haven’t found this perfect partner
- Find out how to attract love, warmth and affection and how to repel it
- Why ‘How we Think’ determines whom we attract
- Discover the downside of on-line dating sites
- Why there are plenty of great men/women out there and how to find them
- How to use Astrology to attract your perfect partner
- Enjoy a relaxing and healing group meditation
- Leave with a clear plan of - ‘Where to Next?’
Date: Sunday February 16th 2012 (9.30 - 1.30 pm) Cost: $125 includes morning tea and Perfect Partner Workbook Venue: Cristina Re Concept Store – `Where A Girl Goes` Corner Langridge & Oxford Streets, Collingwood, Melbourne.
Call Stella on 03 9534 5021 with your CREDIT CARD details or BOOK ONLINE with Paypal/Visa/Mastercard or BANK TRANSFER to Account Name: Stella Starwoman, BSB 063-131 Account Number 1009 0630
Astrology for Beginners Course Starts Tuesday 18 th February – Book Now!
This sixteen week intensive begins in mid-February on Tuesday evenings. By the end of the course you will have gained the confidence and knowledge to read birth charts for yourself, family and friends. The course provides a thorough grounding in the basics of astrology and has proved popular with counsellors and healers wanting a better understanding of their clients as well as those who have a general interest in astrology. Classes are lively, intimate, practical and interactive covering the elements and qualities; the twelve signs and houses of the zodiac and the sun, moon and planets plus advice on how to put it all together .
- Qualified, friendly teacher with more than 20 years experience
- Read birth charts for yourself, friends and family
- Learn about elements, zodiac signs, planets and houses
- Full colour copy of your birth chart provided
- No prior experience required – everyone welcome
- Sixteen 2-hour classes packed with information
- 100-page detailed course manual included
- Lively, interactive learning environment
- Apply everything you learn to your own chart
- Limited student numbers ensure individual attention.
- No hidden costs – one payment up front or pay as you go
- Course includes human psychology and basic counselling skills
- Lots of hands on practical experience and interactive class discussion
Date: Tuesday 18 th February 2014 (6 – 8 pm) Cost: $750 (single payment – save $100) or two instalments of $425 ($850) Venue: Elwood Learning Centre, 87 Tennyson St, Elwood, Melbourne
Bookings: Call Stella on 03 9534 5021 with your CREDIT CARD details or BOOK ONLINE with Paypal/Visa/Mastercard or BANK TRANSFER to Account Name: Stella Starwoman, BSB 063-131 Account Number 1009 0630 Read more about this course including student testimonials HERE
The Year of the Green Horse
The new moon in Aquarius on the 31 st January marks the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Green Horse or Wood Horse. Those born in 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 and 2002 are all born in the Year of the Horse. In Eastern philosophy, the Horse is considered to be energetic, charismatic, intelligent, self-reliant, good with money and fond of travel, roaming from one place or project to the next. This incessant activity and searching often disguises a deep-seated desire to fit in though paradoxically, Horses feel a simultaneous yearning for independence and freedom.
Horses generally have good health, due to their positive outlook in life and huge amounts of energy. They thrive on being the centre of attention and love to entertain a crowd with their humour and wit. In love they are spontaneous and ardent and tend to throw themselves into relationships without too much thought.
On the career front, horses enjoy positions where they can interact with others. They prefer to lead rather than follow, are effective communicators, can grasp new subjects with ease and dislike routine. Their impatient and headstrong streak can cause difficulty in the workplace and they often have short tempers. Another problem is that Horses don’t always finish what they start, being constantly on the lookout for the next exciting opportunity.
Once Horses have matured and found some kind of inner peace, they tend to curb their wandering tendencies, develop stronger, more stable relationships and learn to appreciate what is in their own backyard.
2014 will be a year when Horses can really shine, both personally and professionally and overcome any recent setbacks or obstacles. For the rest of us, the Year of the Horse is a chance to develop our own sense of adventure and do something fresh, exciting and spontaneous. Wood is the element of spring, when plants have new growth. And, in the Five-Element Chinese Cycle (Wood to Fire to Earth to Metal to Water to Wood), Wood comes before Fire and so has a favorable relationship with it - when you stoke a fire with wood you get a big blaze. 2014 is a year with the potential for lucky breaks when you can take more chances than normal and strike out in new directions.
Magic & Manifestation Course Starts Tuesday 18th February – Book Now!
New Year - New Start! Sign up for this exciting eight-week course and watch your goals and dreams manifest before your very eyes!
Previous students have stunned me as well as surprising themselves by:
- Finding and marrying the man of her dreams – well done Rose (I went to the wedding!)
- Being hired for a photo shoot on a big window campaign for dream client General Pants – go Natasha!
- Scoring a place on the Australian Opals Basketball Team – amazing achievement Hanna!
- Getting the top price in her street when selling her house – nice one Catherine!
- Publishing three paid articles on the ABC’s website – congratulations Andrea!
- Being offered a brand new car for free – great manifesting Jen!
- Setting up a healing sanctuary – follow your dreams Petrina!
- Buying out her competitor’s business to become the largest service provider in her industry – go Heather!
- And then there was Sara who couldn’t make the last class as she was invited to do vocals and song writing for a producer resulting in one of her songs being signed to a record label!
Date: Tuesday 18th February 2014 (8 – 10 pm) Cost: $395 Venue: Elwood Learning Centre, 87 Tennyson St, Elwood, Melbourne
Bookings: Call Stella on 03 9534 5021 with your CREDIT CARD details or BOOK ONLINE with Paypal/Visa/Mastercard or BANK TRANSFER to Account Name: Stella Starwoman, BSB 063-131 Account Number 1009 0630 Read more about this course including student testimonials HERE
Featured Sign-Aquarius
From the 20 th January to the 19 th February the Sun travels through fixed air sign Aquarius, noted for its egalitarian nature, progressive ideas and humanitarian bent. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac with keywords “I am different” and “I am detached”. Aquarians are both radical and immovable at the same time. They will often espouse a social or religious movement such as feminism, Christianity, Buddhism or environmentalism and then remain committed to it for the rest of their lives. Those born under the sign of the Water Bearer often look to the future and have fine minds and a higher vision for society. Many Aquarians excel in the areas of science, technology and politics. At best they use their cool headed idealism to serve humanity. Negatively, Aquarians can be detached and aloof with a rebellious or fanatical streak. In medical astrology, Aquarius rules the calves, ankles and general circulation. When Aquarians are out of balance they can suffer from varicose veins, sprained ankles, irregularities of the heart action and fluid build-up. The Aquarian colours are turquoise, aqua and silver. Aquarius’s greatest lesson is to learn to care for and relate to individuals rather than groups.