Hi and welcome to the Stella Starwoman December AstroUpdate! And a special welcome to our new subscribers.
Firstly, I’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who wrote saying how much you’d enjoyed the solar eclipse video – I had fun making it and I’ll be doing more Astrobyte videos over the coming months. Secondly, December is the month to purchase your 2013 moon calendar and moon diaries, so if you haven’t ordered yours yet and would like to, click here to go to the Stella Starwoman Store. We can also send gift orders/vouchers to friends and family.
Finally, I’d like to wish you all the best for the festive season and offer a special thank you to you for supporting my work over the past 20 years. And in this pivotal month marking the end of the Great Year and the beginning of a new cosmic cycle of consciousness, I’d like to share with you this inspirational, real life story about a boy named Sam from the Gold Coast.
Anubis Visits the Gold Coast – A True Story
In September 2011, I decided to go and see the Tutankhamun exhibition at Melbourne Museum, being a fan of all things Egyptian. As I gazed in awe at the golden sarcophagus from Amarna, a young boy aged about 10 or 11 came and stood next to me and said: 'Is it really made of gold?' I proceeded to explain to him that it was gold-plated and what gold-plated meant as opposed to solid gold like the Tutankhamun funeral mask. He followed up with: 'Do you know any Egyptian gods?' Well being a Sagittarian, I love to educate others, especially children, so I launched into a speech about the Egyptian pantheon. I mentioned Osiris and that he was the god of the dead. He interrupted me and said, 'Isn't that Anubis?' 'Well' I said, surprised at his knowledge, 'Anubis is more like the god of protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife.' 'Oh yes' he replied, 'that's right...well Anubis is my favourite god.' 'How come?' I asked, 'Is it because you like his jackal head?' The boy looked around to see if anyone was nearby and then motioned for me to bend down so he could whisper into my ear. 'You probably won't believe me, but Anubis is my spirit guide.' So there we were in the middle of the Melbourne Museum having a deep and meaningful conversation about an Egyptian god. The young lad told me that a figure with an animal head had started to visit him at night in his bedroom and he'd been very scared. He eventually told his parents and from the description he gave, his mother helped him look up this mystery figure on the internet and they found out it was Anubis. Knowing who the night time visitor was, next time he appeared in Sam’s bedroom, Sam wasn't scared and Anubis started taking him on journeys to Egypt in the past and showing him amazing things, like crystal and purple pyramids with golden tips and how to astral travel.
He told me he was often 'on the phone' to Anubis, usually for an hour at a time and he was continually being shown amazing things, although he didn't understand a lot of them. He said he'd also been taken to Japan and although he'd never been there in person he knew lots about the country. I told him he could ask his spirit guide about things he didn't understand and that he would be given the answers. I also suggested he write down or draw what he experienced in a notebook. He then said to me: ‘I knew you'd understand - I always get a tingly feeling in my hands when I'm being shown something spiritual and I had that feeling when I stood next to you. But no-one in my class at school understands what I'm talking about!’
By this time Sam’s mum had arrived in front of the sarcophagus and confirmed that he had had all these dreams and visions and told me she was very supportive of him exploring this stuff. Then a man arrived and I said to Sam jokingly, 'Is he part of your family too?' 'No', Sam replied, 'he's just my Dad. He's never met Anubis.' I told him I meant his earth family, not his spirit family! I ended up giving them my name and contact details and telling them I was an astrologer and that if Sam ever wanted to write anything about his experiences astral travelling to Egypt, I'd be very excited to read them. He hasn’t been in touch so far, but the magic of hearing his story still makes my spine tingle with excitement, indeed, the rest of the Egyptian exhibition paled into insignificance after our encounter. I often wonder how many more Sams there are out there, conversing with gods and goddesses and time travelling to different realms to bring back hidden secrets from the past. What a wonderful way to birth the new age!
Solar Eclipse and Beyond
Last month’s total eclipse of the sun certainly caused a stir in Australia with thousands of people flocking to Far North Queensland to see the spectacular dawn show for themselves. I’ve been up in Port Douglas this week hearing the stories and seeing the photos taken by those lucky enough to be there for the actual eclipse. Mel from Byron Bay who attended the Desert Eclipse Festival described it as ‘a life changing event’. She told me that many of those present simply burst into tears at the sight of this most amazing cosmic happening.
The Hermetic astrologers of the mystery schools of Egypt and Greece believed that an eclipse created a tunnel to higher realms where they could communicate directly with the star gods and access their sacred wisdom. With the Mayan Calendar ending this month plus more stressful alignments between Uranus to Pluto in 2013, we are living in times of change. Wars won't suddenly stop. Recessions won't immediately end. Environmental threats won't instantly recede. But the Scorpio solar eclipse will trigger the emergence of a deeper collective resolve to start addressing some of the world's greatest problems. I believe we can look forward to a more inspired and constructive approach to life in the years to come. One example of this is our present government’s willingness to tackle the dark issue of child sexual abuse by members of the clergy.
2013 Moon Calendars & Diaries ON SALE NOW!
Thomas Zimmer Astro Calendar & Moon Planting Guide (pictured) - $15.99
Moon Diary from Shekhinah Morgan - $29.95
Moontime Diary from Iris & Gisela - $33.00
Featured Sign - Sagittarius
From 22nd November to 21st December, the sun travels through Sagittarius, an intuitive fire sign noted for its vision, adventurous nature and love of philosophy. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac with keywords “I seek” and “I expand”. Those born under the sign of the Archer often struggle to integrate their animal nature with their more lofty human side. Sagittarians seek expansion on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, and can usually be found travelling, studying and exploring life’s big issues. They love to share their wisdom and are often talented writers or teachers. At best they are intelligent, honest, generous and inspirational. Negatively, they can be tactless, self indulgent, coarse and hypocritical. Some Sagittarians are drifters, constantly in search of new horizons and ever more exciting adventures. Most Archers eventually realise that true freedom comes from commitment and dedication to a personal vision, rather than from the outer world. In medical astrology, Sagittarius rules the liver, hips and thighs and sacral regions of the spine. When Sagittarians are out of balance they can suffer from sciatica, hip diseases, rheumatism and weight gain. The Sagittarian colours are purple and deep blue. Sagittarius’s greatest lessons are commitment, moderation, tact and learning to deliver what they promise.
Key Astrological Events - December
Communication planet Mercury turned direct on the 27th November and will shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius on the 11th December. The Mercury retrograde cycle completes on the 14th December when Mercury hits the point in the zodiac where he started moving backwards on the 7th November. In practical terms, the second half of December will bring increased clarity of thought and an instinctive understanding of recent events.
Love goddess Venus begins the month in sensual Scorpio and meets up with the karmic North Node on the 13th at the December new moon. Relationships have a fated quality and those looking for love are advised to spend time at this new moon meditating on the type of relationship they would like to create. Venus moves into pleasure-loving Sagittarius on the 16th and will remain there throughout the Christmas and New Year period bringing spice and soul to holidays and festivities.
The yang energy reaches its zenith at the summer solstice on the eve of the 21st December as the Sun enters Capricorn and the Mayan Calendar cycle completes its cycle.
Action planet Mars has been in ambitious Capricorn since the 17th November and will remain in Capricorn until Boxing Day. Mars in Capricorn helps us come up with realistic goals and then work hard to carry them out successfully. December is therefore an ideal time to make plans for the year ahead, but make sure you have everything sorted before the 26th when Mars moves into quirky Aquarius and the Sun clashes with erratic Uranus.
Finally New Year’s Eve looks set to be an interesting time with the Sun and Pluto meeting up in Capricorn, a powerhouse combination that has been building in strength since the full moon in Cancer on the 28th. The Sun-Pluto energy is usually associated with a trip to the underworld (or therapist) rather than a night at the pub, so don’t be surprised if the New Year festivities throw up a few unexpected surprises. This would be a great night for a ritual to say goodbye to the old year energy and welcome in the new.
21st December 2012- End of the World?
The Mayan civilisation of Central America had a highly developed understanding of the cycles of the Sun, Moon and Venus, illustrated on their famous calendar that began in 3114 BC and accurately measured the solar year to within minutes. It is now common knowledge that the Mayan Calendar ‘ends’ this month on the 21st December, but as we approach that key date, what does this actually mean?
The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate calendars, the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar) and the Haab (civil calendar). Time is cyclical in the calendars and a given number of days must pass before a new cycle begins. It’s interesting to note that the Mayans didn't actually invent the calendar; it was used by most cultures in pre-Columbian Central America right up to the 16th century. The Long Count has a cycle of 13 baktuns, which take 1,872,000 days to complete, beginning on the date they called This period of 13 baktuns equals 5125.36 years and is referred to as the “Great Cycle” of the Long Count with the calendar completing its current Great Cycle on 21st December 2012, hence the myriad of doomsday prophecies surrounding this date.
According to American researcher Joseph Robert Jochmans: "Both the Hopis and Mayans recognise that we are approaching the end of a World Age... however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquillity. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear."
The Mayans worshipped the sun as the ‘First Lord’ and like many ancient cultures, held ceremonies at the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of their new year and the return of the light. At the 2012 northern hemisphere winter solstice the sun will rise through the exact centre of a gap in the middle of the Milky Way, known to the Mayans as the Sacred Tree. The Sacred Tree is both the door to the underworld and the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother. At dawn on 21st December 2012, the Milky Way galaxy, as seen from Central
America, will lie across the horizon, so at sunrise the sun (First Lord/New Born Sun) will rise from the underworld, pass through this birth canal and open the cosmic sky portal. This event only occurs once every 26,000 years and the Mayans considered it momentous, that December 2012 marked the end of time as they knew it and the birth of a new age.
I’m sure the spirits of the ancient Mayans will be present as thousands of people flock to Mexico this month to watch our mighty sun align with the Galactic Centre.
December Moon Calendar
Launch projects at the New Moon, bring them to completion in the period from just before the Full Moon to the Third Quarter phase and wind them down and reflect on developments in the week before the next New Moon. The period between the New Moon and the Full Moon is the waxing moon (moon getting bigger and fuller). The period between the Full Moon and the New Moon is the waning moon (moon getting smaller and thinner).
You can use this moon table to select the most favourable days to slow or increase hair regrowth. Full instructions can be found in my Lunar Hair Care guidelines at www.stellastarwoman.com/files/LunarHairCare.pdf but to get you started I've marked the best dates for waxing/shaving to slow regrowth in yellow and the best dates to cut hair for thicker, lusher growth in green. If you‟re serious about Lunar Hair Care - order your own Moon Calendar from the Stella Starwoman Store then you'll know exactly what time of day the moon changes from one zodiac sign to the next.
Date |
Sign |
Element |
Moon Phase |
1st-3rd |
Cancer |
Water |
3rd-5th |
Leo |
Fire |
5th-8th |
Virgo |
Earth |
Third Quarter |
8th-10th |
Libra |
Air |
10th-12th |
Scorpio |
Water |
12th-14th | Sagittarius | Fire | New Moon 13h |
14th-16th | Carpricon | Earth | |
16th-18th |
Aquarius |
Air |
18th-20th |
Pisces |
Water |
First Quarter |
20th-23rd |
Aries |
Fire |
23rd-25th |
Taurus |
Earth |
25th-28th |
Gemini |
Air |
28th-30th |
Cancer |
Water |
Full Moon 28th |
30th-31st |
Leo |
Fire |
Thanks for being part of AstroUpdate. If there‟s something you‟d like to see featured, or have something you think would interest others, please contact me at stellaw@ozemail.com.au
PS – Don‟t forget to check out your December Monthly Stars at www.stellastarwoman.com to see what‟s coming up for you this month.
Happy Stargazing
Stella Woods www.stellastarwoman.com