Symbolically, eclipses create a black hole or vortex, allowing hidden energies to rise to the surface. If an eclipse falls on an important point in your birth chart, you can expect some change, loss or deep insight in that area of life. In the June Stargazer column I discussed the powerful lunar eclipse at the Capricorn full moon on the 26th June and quoted Eric Francis of Planet Waves saying: “In understanding the symbolism of a lunar eclipse, think of it this way. Because the full moon disappears, it’s like a new moon at the exact moment of the full moon. It’s as though a month of experience is packed into two hours of real time. In computer terms, it’s a full reboot of the system.”
Well little did I know that Kevin Rudd (the solar masculine) was going to be eclipsed by his deputy Julia Gillard (the lunar feminine) in the extraordinary series of events leading up to that lunar eclipse. The eclipse fell in Kevin Rudd’s 12th house (underworld and secret enemies) conjunct Pluto (ruler of the underworld) and he was brought to his knees by former supporters, his loyal deputy and pressure from the mining industry over the proposed mining super tax. Capricorn is the natural ruler of mines and minerals. Capricorn also rules banking, finance and business. Australian superannuation funds are heavily invested in mining shares such as BHP and Rio Tinto and many felt the mining tax would affect their own financial future in a negative way. We could say that Kevin Rudd was completely ‘under-mined’.
Like the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, Julia Gillard has both her action planets (Sun and Mars) in Libra, the sign of negotiation, compromise and fairness. Gillard and Thatcher are both from modest backgrounds, both worked hard and excelled at school, both are trained lawyers and both entered politics early in life. That’s where the similarities end. Margaret Thatcher was a deeply traditional, conservative woman, whereas Gillard flies in the face of tradition with her lifestyle, relationship choices and avowed non-religious beliefs. What a breath of fresh air! Even if she never moves into The Lodge, Australia’s first female prime minister has already shaken up the status quo, but not everyone is happy!
The lunar eclipse fell close to the Capricorn Sun-Saturn conjunction in Australia’s Federation Chart (1st January 1901) signaling profound changes to the very fabric of our country and the way we are viewed on the international stage where Australia has always been seen as a tough, macho culture. As Julia won the leadership ballot, Venus (the feminine) was rising in Leo (sign of power and leadership) making a grand trine to the Moon (more feminine), Jupiter (expansion and growth) and Uranus (revolution). I believe this lunar eclipse heralds a new dawn not only for Julia Gillard, but for all Australian women.